Can I Use the Promotional Offer with Government Insurance?
Patients and others interested in our services often ask about our promotional offers, and whether they can be used with government insurance. This can get complicated because of regulations about how coverage works.
The bottom line is – come in for a visit and discuss your options with our office staff before your examination. There are generally affordable options that we can make use of, which often will cause you to have out of pocket costs as low or lower than our promotions. Government and insurance industry regulations are very strict about combining discounts and promotions. For this reason, we cannot offer discounts on top of insurance benefits or waive copays if insurance is being used. As a general rule, if insurance is available, we must follow its guidelines, so be sure to present any insurance ID cards prior to treatment at the time of your visit.
Medicare for the Elderly
Medicare Part B has limited coverage for chiropractic service. It will generally cover spinal manipulation if you have a spinal bone out of place (subluxation). If you have a Medicare Advantage plan to provide supplemental coverage, it may have enhanced benefits in addition to what Medicare Part B offers. We can take a look at your coverage and see if this coverage or one of our promotional offers is a better deal for you.
Medicaid for Those with Limited Means
Medicaid plans vary in what they cover for chiropractic service. Some plans don’t cover any form of chiropractic care at all, while others provide services with a very limited copay. We’ll look at your plan and check to see if there is any coverage available.
Tricare for Our Military, Retired Military, and Dependents
Unfortunately, even though some military hospitals and clinics provide chiropractic care to active-duty members of the military (https://www.military.com/daily-news/2019/09/26/tricare-moves-toward-chiropractic-coverage.html), Tricare currently offers no benefits for chiropractic treatment. This may change in the near future, so check with Tricare to find out about the current situation.
Other Forms of Government Insurance
There are many other forms of government insurance out there – the Children’s Health Insurance Program, the Veteran’s Health Administration, Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs, the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program, Indian Health Services, the Refugee Health Promotion Program, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, to name a few. Some state and local governments are also self-insured, with their benefits administered through a private health insurance company. Those who are on a plan with the Affordable Care Act (healthcare.gov) effectively have private coverage, but with a government subsidy.
The answer for all insurance plans is the same – we will need to get your insurance information and look at available benefits for chiropractic adjustments in Riverdale, MD under those plans to see if any promotions are compatible with them.
Thanks to AmeriWell Clinics for their insight into chiropractic care and government insurance.