Pain Arthritis Relief Center Examines “Healthy Baller”
Pain Arthritis Relief Center of Advanced Wellness Systems sits down with Blair O’Donovan, Co-Owner and Lead Trainer of Healthy Baller, to get the inside scoop on the state-of-the-art sports performance center that has a fresh take on training student athletes in Montgomery County.
Healthy Baller specializes in performance testing, training and nutrition, but Blair says what makes the performance center so unique is Healthy Baller’s personal, hands-on approach. “Part of working as a Healthy Baller team member is you have to know every little bit about your athlete, what their goals are and what their direction is,” Blair explains. Much like Dr. Paris, Blair is passionate about creating strong bonds and relationships with his clients at Healthy Baller — forming a “Healthy Baller tree,” as he calls it.
Blair and his Healthy Baller team also implement a dynamic training method, that prioritizes movement over weightlifting and bodybuilding. “We want movement to be a high priority here. Because if the kids are moving well, they’ll have a much less chance of being injured,” says Blair. Dr. Paris agrees, noting that although there are more trainers, knowledge and fancy equipment available in 2016, he sees more injuries today than ever before.
Over the last several years, Advanced Wellness Systems and Healthy Baller have developed a strong relationship, due in part to the value both Dr. Paris and Blair place on heart and hustle. “If there’s an [injury related] issue that we just are not familiar with or just feel like it needs a higher level of attention, the first call we make is to Advanced Wellness,” says Blair. “I’ve never experienced any group treat pain and treat clients as comprehensively as I’ve seen done there.”
Watch the full Healthy Baller interview to learn how the sports performance center is bringing athletic training to a whole new level.