Fibromyalgia: What is it – and how to spot if it’s causing Fatigue and Pain that feels almost impossible to shake off?
If you’re suffering with long-term muscle or joint pain, are always tired and lethargic (even after a rest), and are frustrated with doctors who can’t find a cause, or don’t believe there’s anything “really” wrong with you, then it’s crucial that you read this message.
Unfortunately, most doctors dismiss your complaints of general joint and muscle pain and fatigue when they see no obvious cause.
Sure, a few cursory tests are done, but when they yield no pinpoint answers, you get a pat on the head and sent home with instructions to “rest, exercise and eat better.”
But if you’re one of the millions of folks who suffer with these symptoms every day, this “prescription” is worthless, and you’re left frustrated and trapped in your agony.
Many folks get so aggravated with the lack of meaningful help and answers that they begin to lose hope and start sliding toward depression (maybe you feel that way).
Yet there’s no reason for you to continue suffering with your chronic pain and fatigue.
The truth is you’re probably one of the millions of folks who suffer from fibromyalgia, lyme disease, or chronic fatigue syndrome.
Here are some of the most common symptoms of these diseases:
Fatigue… muscle weakness, soreness or tenderness… joint stiffness or pain… difficulty falling asleep… anxiety… depression…
Any of those sound familiar?
If so, one of these you may be needlessly suffering with one of these undiagnosed diseases. Trouble is, your regular doctor probably won’t be much help if you are…
See, your doctor’s looking for symptoms that can be treated with drugs or medicine. When they can’t find one, they reach the false conclusion that there’s nothing wrong with you.
This all stems from the modern medical community’s definition of disease as something that can only be “cured” with a drug or medicine.
That’s a big topic for another post, but suffice it to say that this debate is raging right now, and the ones pushing for the definition stand to gain big bucks from it – Big Pharma!
Thankfully, alternative medicine is more concerned with getting you well, and allowing your body to heal itself than lining its pockets at your expense.
And there are numerous ways to diagnose, combat and eliminate the pain and fatigue you may be experiencing.
The first step is to contact a qualified alternative medicine doctor who specializes in pain relief.
Next, talk to the doctor about your unique situation, and set up an appointment so together you can figure out what the root cause of your pain and fatigue is, and the best plan to quickly get you pain free and energized.
The best news?
You can get on your way to the pain free, energy filled life you deserve today…
That’s because at Advanced Wellness Systems we specialize in helping folks just like you to find and eliminate the root cause of your pain and fatigue.
We’d love to talk with you about your unique situation, and help craft a personalized plan for getting you out of pain and bursting with energy.
Here are a few simple ways for you find out what alternatives might be best to relieve your pain and chronic exhaustion:
Just visit our website at or call our office at 240-205-7266 to set up a free, no obligation phone consult where we can talk about your specific situation and the quickest, safest ways to get you pain free, and filled with energy so you can get your life back!