Snoring therapy Bethesda MD

snoring therapy Bethesda MD

Do you suffer from snoring? Do you experience many sleepless nights that make you feel sluggish the next day? If so, snoring therapy in Bethesda, MD, may be able to help find relief. Snoring can lead to interrupted sleep and fatigue for both the snorer and their loved ones. Though snoring is a natural habit for many people, it may become a problem that could affect your health. Snoring issues can interrupt your sleep pattern and even your breathing while you’re asleep. Initially, you might think your snoring is hereditary, passed down from one parent to you, or overall not a big deal. Perhaps your friends and family even make fun of your loud noises. What you might not realize is that snoring can be a symptom of more significant health problems. If left untreated, it can have severe consequences for your overall health. If this is true for you, snoring therapy in Bethesda, Maryland, should be considered.

At the Pain Arthritis Relief Center, we have helped many men and women of all ages find relief from snoring. Our specialists help patients get much-needed relief from a variety of ailments and conditions. Not only did they get better sleep, but they also reduced the risk of diabetes, hypertension, stroke, and heart attack. Even if you don’t think much of your snoring, treating your snoring issues early can have a lot of benefits. Your snoring may be a symptom of a more severe condition. If you snore every now and then, getting the insight of a snoring therapy specialist may be helpful for you. You want to rule out the possibility of any issues that might be related to your snoring. If you are interested in our snoring therapy for Bethesda, MD residents, or you’d like to know why you snore, we invite you to schedule your first appointment today.

Tips To Help With Snoring

Dealing with snoring can be difficult for both you and your partner. Not only can it impact your sleep quality, but it can impact stress levels and your relationships, too. Many may think that they simply have to deal with snoring and that there aren’t any real options to manage it. The truth is, though, that there can be ways to get help and to get your snoring under better control. If you are looking for ways to better manage your snoring, here are some things to think about. 

1. Know When To Seek Help

For some, snoring may be a lifelong problem. For others, it may be a recent issue that has developed. In either case, taking time to acknowledge that it is an issue and that you may need snoring therapy in Bethesda MD can be important. Additionally, there can be many places like Pain & Arthritis Relief Center that can be helpful to contact, so taking your snoring seriously can be the first step to feeling better.

2. Understand That Lifestyle Changes Matter

Along with getting the right snoring therapy in Bethesda MD being aware of the lifestyle factors that impact snoring can be beneficial. For some, losing weight can help, as can making sure that you keep your sleeping space clean, tidy, and free of dust. Making sure that you are aware of the lifestyle factors that impact your sleep quality can help you support the therapy that you get from places like the Pain and Arthritis Relief Center and ensure that the treatments that you receive are more effective overall. 

3. Know That the Right Help Makes a Difference

When you are seeking snoring therapy in Bethesda MD you need to make sure that you are seeking out the right kind of help. While getting help, in general, is a good idea, the right kind of help can make a big difference. When you are going through the process of finding someone to help with your situation, you need to make sure that you are taking your time to do research and find the right match for you and your specific situation. 

Dealing with snoring can be difficult, but that doesn’t mean that you need to continue struggling with it. There can be many different options for addressing your snoring and improving your overall sleep quality. By taking the first step to reach out and get help, you can get yourself on the right track. 

What Causes Snoring?

Snoring goes beyond hereditary traits. It is not just something passed from your parents or grandparents onto you, and eventually your children. Snoring happens as your muscles relax while falling asleep. Your tongue falls backward and partially obstructs the airway. This causes vibrations as you breathe; thereby, leading you to snore. Many people find themselves snoring here and there, and typically this is no cause for concern. Should you reach a point at which you: snore very often, or every night, snore loudly, stop breathing while you snore (for short bursts), or find yourself struggling to get a good night’s sleep, seeing, a therapist is recommended. By sharing details about your snoring habits, they will determine if snoring therapy is recommended for you.

Factors that Might Contribute to Snoring

If any of these sound familiar to you, it might be time to seek snoring therapy in Bethesda, Maryland. Fortunately, the Pain Arthritis Relief Center is here to help.

  • Drinking alcohol before going to sleep. It’s common to have a glass of wine or a nightcap before bed, but if you’ve had a couple of stiff drinks before bed, you might snore a bit more than usual. Drinking alcohol before bed can cause snoring. After drinking, your throat muscles become more relaxed, which can cause an obstructed airway. The result? Loud, disruptive snoring – and probably a headache in the morning.
  • Being overweight or obese. Being overweight or obese causes many health issues, and snoring is another unfortunate symptom. Obesity means more fat, and more fat on your neck means a restricted airway when you try to sleep. This can cause a vicious cycle: Snoring often disrupts sleep, and less sleep means more weight gain.
  • Your age. As we get older, we lose muscle tone in our necks. What happens when the muscles in our neck get weaker? You guessed it: Snoring. Your neck and throat need added support to keep your airways clear, and when there are obstructions, you’ll end up snoring when you sleep.
  • Spinal misalignments or back pain. If you suffer spinal misalignments or back pain, you might have difficulty staying in a position that allows for better breathing while you sleep. Spinal misalignments can result in obstructed airways, and back pain can cause you to stay in certain sleeping positions that don’t allow for easy breathing.
  • Sleep apnea. Sleep apnea causes many health issues, and seeking snoring therapy in Bethesda, MD, is the best way to get the proper care. Read on to discover more about how sleep apnea can affect you – and how Pain Arthritis Relief Center can help.

How To Find Out If You Snore

If you’ve ever been told that you snore while you sleep, you may feel disconcerted by this notion. It’s hard to imagine that you snore, but how can you truly know if you do or don’t since we aren’t aware of our own bodies when we sleep.

Furthermore, if you need snoring therapy in Bethesda MD, you need to know for sure if you snore. If so, you should know if your condition is severe enough to warrant a visit to the Pain & Arthritis Relief Center for a consultation. Follow this guide to find out if you really snore.

Record Yourself

Have you ever considered recording yourself while you sleep?
this is one of the most accurate ways to learn if you snore. Use your phone or a dedicated voice recorder to test yourself.

Put the recorder near your pillow or on a nightstand. Pre-program the device to shut off after a certain amount of time, so that you don’t waste battery life and storage space while you sleep.

Once you have a recording of your breathing sounds while asleep, you can bring it to your appointment at the Pain & Arthritis Relief Center, where you will find out if snoring therapy in Bethesda MD is necessary for you.

Ask Your Partner

Do you sleep next to your significant other?
If so, he or she is likely a reliable witness of your snoring or lack their of. Ask the following questions even if it feels awkward to do so:

  • Do I snore when I’m asleep?
  • How loud do I snore?
  • Do I always snore while sleeping?
  • Do I ever stop breathing when I’m snoring?

That last bit of info can truly determine if you are a candidate for snoring therapy in Bethesda MD. If your breathing pauses and you snore at night, you most likely suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea. This condition is potentially life threatening and should be treated with snoring therapy.

Keep a Waking Diary

The last thing anyone wants to do when they wake up is write down how you feel. But if you want to know whether you snore, a simple log of how you feel once you’re awake can solve the mystery.

If you always wake up groggy with a gross feeling of phlegm in your throat, those are sure signs of snoring. If your throat is soar and your head aches as soon as you wake up, you may be a chronic sufferer of sleep apnea.

Don’t wait till your health deteriorates from snoring at night. Contact Pain & Arthritis Relief Center about the possibility of snoring therapy in Bethesda MD.

What is Sleep Apnea? 

Sleep apnea can be caused by several things and is continuously being studied by researchers. What is known at this time is that obstructive sleep apnea is often associated with excess weight, obesity, and age. It is more common in men and regularly goes undiagnosed. Because it can lead to severe health conditions, diagnosing obstructive sleep apnea is very important. Once diagnosed, treatment may include weight loss, lifestyle changes, and the use of a continuous positive airway pressure machine (CPAP).

There are different forms of sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea is one of the most common forms that affect many people who snore. This occurs when the muscles in the throat are relaxed. Central sleep apnea is when a person’s brain does not transmit the correct signals to the muscles, which leads to snoring. This is dangerous because a person’s breathing can suddenly stop while they are asleep. The third type is complex sleep apnea, when a person has obstructive and central sleep apnea. If you believe that you suffer from sleep apnea, schedule an appointment with a trusted specialist who has helped many patients find relief through snoring therapy.

Can You Help Snoring?

It is possible to find relief from snoring. Through regular Bethesda, MD snoring therapy sessions, our clinicians will determine the cause of the snoring, any habits that may be contributing, and what treatments are suited to your needs. They can educate you about effective practices you can try at home to control your snoring in addition to treatments. In Bethesda, Maryland, snoring therapy might include chiropractic manipulations, being fitted with an oral device or CPAP machine, acupuncture, lifestyle modifications, and more. Combining these various treatments should help you find relief from snoring, reducing the likelihood that you will develop snoring-related health complications.

When you find out that you have been snoring while you sleep, you may be looking into snoring therapy Bethesda, MD, recommends from the Pain Arthritis Relief Center. For other people, their initial reaction to snoring would be to shrug it off since it’s a natural thing that some people do. Many people do not believe snoring is harmful. If you poll any of your friends and family, they may say that it is simply an annoying habit that their partner or spouse has. However, snoring can be a symptom of an underlying medical condition and may be a good indicator if you need to make certain changes to your lifestyle or your health. If you are interested in seeing how we can help you naturally, give us a call today. The sooner you make changes, the sooner you can live a healthier life.

What should I tell you about my symptoms?

We understand that when it comes to snoring, it is not something you will be able to describe firsthand. The only time you may ever hear yourself snoring is if someone records you or if you snore so loudly you wake yourself up. It is okay if you are not able to provide much detail regarding your snoring on your own. We may ask that you bring your partner into your first visit with us so that they can describe what you sound like when you are sleeping, or we may request that you write down notes while your partner describes what your snoring sounds like. Doing so can give us insight into what may be causing it. We will be able to find out if you have sleep apnea and what kind you have. After this is determined, we can develop a treatment plan specific to you and your symptoms.

Can a chiropractor offer Bethesda, Maryland, snoring therapy that can help me?

When you think of remedies for snoring, you may not think of going to a chiropractor at first. Most people think of chiropractors as specialists who only treat neck, back or shoulder problems. However, a chiropractor can offer you safe and natural techniques to help combat your snoring and the underlying issue. There are many conditions a chiropractor can help treat. When you visit a chiropractor, they will want to sit down with you and determine what is causing your snoring first. Is it a physical problem that is obstructing your airway? Is it a lifestyle change that could make this better? They will first look for practical ways you can control your snoring before suggesting more intensive therapies. Often, chiropractors find that a manual adjustment not only increases blood flow to the brain (which helps it send the right signals to the rest of your body while you are sleeping), but it can help improve your breathing. We may also recommend avoiding alcohol before bed and adjusting the position you sleep in.

You Are Not Alone

If you experience difficulty with consistently getting a good night’s rest, you’re not alone. Many people suffer from snoring issues. More than 40 million people in the U.S. alone report that they have problems with sleeping. However, too many people are unaware of the potential health issues that can arise because of snoring. Lack of sufficient sleep can lead to serious health problems. The human body must have a certain amount of rest to heal itself and stay healthy. Not only is snoring an annoyance, but it can inhibit your ability to function during the day, resulting in reduced energy and productivity. Sleeplessness can have devastating effects on the mind, body, and soul. Because of snoring, you may be less attentive and alert. Fortunately, there is help available for people who experience issues related to snoring. Snoring therapy offered by the Pain Arthritis Relief Center in Bethesda, Maryland, helps individuals experience relief in many areas of their life by allowing them to sleep peacefully. Partners will also experience additional sleep if their sleep has been negatively affected by snoring and restlessness. 

Snoring Can Be a Symptom of Sleep Apnea

When someone suffers from sleep apnea, they will often breathe through their mouth using the back of their throat. This causes them to make snoring noises. A condition known as Obstructive Sleep Apnea is associated with snoring. When a person’s nose passageway is narrow or clogged, it can create problems breathing normally and forces them to breathe through the mouth even while asleep. When this happens, tissues that are located in the back of the throat may obstruct it completely. When it occurs regularly, it typically leads to a chronic lack of sleep, which can cause serious health problems. Snoring therapy for Bethesda, MD, can effectively manage sleep apnea and its related symptoms.

In addition to snoring, some of the symptoms commonly associated with sleep apnea also include:

  • Memory loss. If you suffer from sleep apnea, you may be at risk of memory and cognitive-related issues much earlier than others. As we get older, many people develop memory problems. If you’ve got sleep apnea, those problems may have an earlier onset.
  • Cardiovascular conditions. Sleep apnea has been indicative of future coronary diseases and heart failure. Additionally, sleep apnea can be a sign of a greater risk of stroke in certain people.
  • High blood pressure. If you’re not getting enough air when you sleep, your body isn’t getting the oxygen it needs. This can lead to dangerously high blood pressure, all caused by obstructed airways and sleep apnea.
  • Weight gain. There are many reasons for weight gain, and a lack of energy that can be traced directly to a lack of sleep is one of them. Additionally, when you don’t get enough sleep, you may find yourself craving more food during the day to stay energized.
  • Sore throat or headache when waking. If you have sleep apnea, your airways and respiratory tract aren’t getting the easy night’s sleep they should be getting. While the rest of your body is sleeping, your nose and throat are working overtime, which can lead to a sore throat in the morning and even a headache.
  • Poor sleep. This is pretty self-explanatory. If you’re constantly waking up in the middle of the night and struggling to get back to sleep, you can’t say you’re getting the best night’s sleep. Sleep apnea can cause constant interruptions to your sleep cycle, making the next day a drag.
  • Exhaustion the following day. If you don’t sleep well, you’ll be exhausted all day. Whether you have sleep apnea or not, the equation is always the same: more sleep = more energy. Sleep apnea prevents a good night’s sleep and can leave you feeling drained all day.

If you think you’re suffering from sleep apnea, reach out to Pain Arthritis Relief Center and seek qualified snoring therapy in Bethesda, MD.

Chiropractic Treatment for Sleep Apnea

Snoring therapy options for those who reside in the Bethesda, MD area include chiropractic treatment. It is a proven method that does not involve surgery or prescription medications. A chiropractor can treat the causes of sleep apnea as well as related conditions. For example, if a spinal misalignment is the cause of an individual’s snoring, by realigning the spine, a chiropractor may eliminate the person’s snoring and sleep apnea. Only an examination by a chiropractor can tell you if you are a good candidate for snoring therapy. Contact us today to schedule an exam.

Suppose you are currently using a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine to deal with your sleep apnea or have been told to consider using one. In that case, it may not be necessary to use snoring therapy. This is a long-term solution and not a temporary one. In addition, the snoring therapy that we offer at the Pain Arthritis Relief Center in Bethesda, MD, does not include prescription medications or surgery.

Available Treatments for Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Restorative sleep is essential for your health and well-being. If you snore, it may not seem like a big deal. You can sleep through your snores, despite the kicks from your bed partner. But you may not be getting the quality sleep your body needs. Snoring is often a sign of bigger health issues. One major cause of snoring is Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). With OSA, the airway collapses during sleep which causes snoring and low oxygen. When left untreated OSA can lead to heart problems and other health issues. These days, there are quite a few treatments for OSA. When you’re looking for snoring therapy Bethesda MD you’ll want to consider all of your options. Pain & Arthritis Relief Center wants you to find OSA therapy that fits your lifestyle. Keep reading for more information on Sleep Apnea treatments.

CPAP Therapy

The most commonly recommended treatment for OSA is CPAP therapy. “CPAP” stands for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. A CPAP machine blows air through the nose and mouth via tubing and a face mask. The air blows forcefully enough to keep your airway open while you sleep. CPAP machines must be used every night to be effective snoring therapy in Bethesda MD. These devices run all night long and can be quite loud. Face masks come in many styles but can be very uncomfortable. Often CPAP patients experience sores or red marks from the mask. Some patients are simply too embarrassed to wear the mask around others. CPAP therapy can be beneficial, but discomfort leads many patients to abandon treatment.

Oral Appliance

An oral appliance is another option for moderate OSA sufferers. They resemble a mouthguard one might wear for sports or teeth grinding. The oral appliance works by moving the jaw forward which opens the airway. It’s necessary to have an oral appliance formed to fit your mouth for snoring therapy in Bethesda MD. Like a CPAP machine, this device also needs to be worn all night long. Wearing the appliance can be uncomfortable or embarrassing, which may lead to non-compliance.


Surgical treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea is often a last resort for patients. During the procedure, part of the airway that collapses during sleep is removed. Surgery comes with risks like bleeding, illness from the anesthesia, or other complications. This invasive procedure doesn’t always successfully treat OSA. Patients may still be left with symptoms after surgery.

Chiropractic Care

Non-invasive treatment such as chiropractic care can be a wonderful alternative snoring therapy in Bethesda MD. There are many benefits to chiropractic therapy. Treatment is done during waking hours, allowing patients to rest peacefully at night. Spinal adjustments, and other lifestyle changes, may relieve snoring and OSA symptoms. Pain & Arthritis Relief Center offers alternative therapies that get to the root of your symptoms.

If you suspect Sleep Apnea, talk to your doctor. New treatments for Obstructive Sleep Apnea are emerging, and aren’t one size fits all. Your doctor will discuss treatment options so you can find the best fit for your lifestyle.

Contact Us for Help

Talk to a trusted specialist if you think you may benefit from snoring therapy. Contact us at the Pain Arthritis Relief Center today if you want to know more about snoring therapy options in the Bethesda, MD, area.

Can I Ease My Snoring Symptoms?

You may not think you need snoring therapy in Bethesda, Maryland. Still, someone else you know may benefit from it: Your snoring can be a pain, not necessarily to yourself, but to your spouse or significant other. Fortunately, there are several strategies you can try to reduce your snoring and save your spouse’s sleep!

Many people think that snoring is unavoidable. They might be under the impression that snoring is caused by genetics and that there’s nothing they can do to stop it. Many people think that some people snore and some don’t, and they don’t realize that there is a mechanism that causes snoring in the first place.

Because obstructed airways cause snoring, there are some easy tricks you can try to increase your airflow and reduce your snoring. Read on to see what might work best for you:

  • Sleep on your side. People snore more frequently when they sleep on their backs. Think of it this way – your tongue can easily fall back and block your airway if it’s helped by gravity. Use physics to fight back against snoring and try to lie on your side instead. This may prevent your tongue from falling back and blocking your airway. And if you don’t like sleeping on your side, don’t worry: You can try adding a couple of pillows to elevate your head while you sleep instead.
  • Make some lifestyle changes. These are easier said than done, but lifestyle changes are effective at reducing snoring. If you’re overweight, your own body might be restricting your airways. And if you smoke, you aren’t doing your lungs any favors. Losing weight and quitting smoking are two of the most challenging personal challenges to overcome, but the rewards are worth it: Better health and better sleep.
  • Treat your allergies. Sometimes we have allergies that are so severe we end up all stuffed up and breathing through our mouths. It’s not a good look, and it’s certainly not good for snoring. If you’re struggling to breathe normally because of your allergies, getting help from a medical professional and a prescription for some allergy medication may be your way forward. If it’s easier for you to breathe, you’re reducing your chances of snoring.

These are all relatively straightforward strategies to reduce your snoring, and they may reward you with varying degrees of success. Suppose you wanted to try something a little bit more intensive. In that case, there are more severe options you can pursue as well – but remember that contacting a medical professional who specializes in snoring therapy in Bethesda, MD, should be your first step.

  • CPAP Device. You’ve seen these in movies and on the internet. CPAP devices (short for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure and pronounced like SEE-pap) are masks that fit over your nose while you sleep. They’re designed to make sure you get adequate airflow, but they can be a bit uncomfortable and cumbersome.
  • Surgery. In severe cases, you might need to reach out to a doctor to perform surgery and adjust the shape of your airway. This is by far the most drastic solution to snoring, and while it may be effective, it’s also intensive and expensive. It should be treated as a last resort.

You don’t always need to go straight to the big guns to fix your snoring. Contacting a specialist in snoring therapy in Bethesda, MD, can give you more information about what you can do to relieve your snoring, so reach out to the Pain Arthritis Relief Center today.

Questions About Sleep Studies and Diagnosis Answered

If you are considering Bethesda, MD, snoring therapy from the Pain & Arthritis Relief Center, making the first call can seem like a leap. It’s not uncommon for those with snoring problems to put treatment on the backburner. This is especially true considering that many don’t realize the significant ways that lack of sleep and oxygen may be impacting you as a result of snoring. As a prospective patient, it’s not uncommon to be apprehensive over the entire process, especially the sleep study. 

What is a sleep study?

Sleep studies, also called polysomnography, record a person’s sleep patterns throughout the night. Sleep studies are effective in diagnosing sleep disorders. While there are a variety of sleep studies, polysomnography is the one commonly used to diagnose sleep apnea. 

Is there a long waitlist to have a sleep study done?

Yes, depending on where you live, sleep studies can have extensive waitlists, making it imperative that you not delay in scheduling yours. 

How long will it take to reach a diagnosis for sleep apnea?

Here’s the reality, when someone continues to put off a sleep study, it can take years to reach a diagnosis. However, once the sleep study is conducted, you will likely receive results within a couple of weeks, maybe even sooner. From there, you will be able to begin Bethesda, Maryland snoring therapy.

Where does a sleep study take place?

This can vary depending upon the facility conducting your sleep study. While some studies may take place in a hotel, others may occur in a hospital or clinic. Regardless, patients can expect a comfortable environment for sleeping. 

What is the best way to prepare for my sleep study? 

For the sleep study, there are some things our team will ask that you do in preparation. We want you to be as comfortable as possible, so try your best to follow your evening routine. However, it’s essential to keep a few things in mind to ensure that your sleep is not interrupted:

  • Refrain from drinking any caffeine after lunchtime
  • Do not drink any alcohol
  • Do not take any non-prescription medications that you do not need
  • Wear your pajamas (in addition to anything else that may help you feel comfortable)
  • Have dry hair and do not apply any lotions or oils that could have an impact on the sensors

Will I be there all night?

Yes. When you arrive, you will be shown to your room and will have time to relax before you go to sleep. 

Will it be hard to relax and fall asleep?

 Our team will make the space to be as comfortable as possible. It’s encouraged that you bring anything necessary to make you feel more comfortable. Staff will place sensors on your body, and once that is complete, you will be able to relax, watch tv or read until it is time for sleep. 

Are you tired of feeling tired? Does your snoring impact your partner? Take back control by contacting the Pain & Arthritis Relief Center. Our team will work to develop a treatment plan to improve not only your sleep but your health. Take advantage of snoring therapy in Bethesda, MD, by scheduling a sleep study today.