A Chiropractor Rockville, MD Depends on Discusses Disc Disease

Chiropractor Rockville, MDWhat does it mean to be diagnosed with degenerative disc disease? This is a very common diagnosis and using the word ‘disease’ to define the degenerative disc is misleading. The discs are used to separate the vertebrae in your spine and their job is to cushion the individual bones and provide flexibility to your spine. As you age, the discs in your spine become thinner and more brittle. That is because there is less fluid inside the discs or the continuous wear and tear damages the discs, increasing the chance for rupture, bulging, or disintegration.
By the time most of us reach middle age, we have degenerating discs, with or without any pain accompanying it. It is hard to diagnose whether or not the degenerative disc is the cause of a person’s pain. Therefore, it does get confusing to be diagnosed with degenerative disc disease but not given any specific treatment plan.
A Rockville, MD chiropractor at Pain Arthritis Relief Center is specifically trained to diagnose the probable causes of back pain and determine whether certain treatment plans can cause further damage when it comes to treating a degenerative disc. They will carefully evaluate the patient to determine the best course of treatment, whether it be traditional adjustments to the spine or other non-surgical techniques.
There is not a cure for degenerative disc disease, however, a chiropractic care plan that includes adjustments, massage, lifestyle change, exercises specifically designed for you, and perhaps nutritional programs can help manage the disease and control or even alleviate the pain.
Symptoms you may be experiencing prior to diagnosing degenerative disc disease include neck and arm pain, if the problem disc is in the neck region, or back pain or pain in legs, buttock or hips if the degenerated disc is in the low back area of the spine.
Is there any way to avoid degenerative disc disease?
There are a few ways to help prevent the start of the disease as you age, including:
  • Managing your weight.  If your spine has less weight to support, it will not have to work as hard and your joints will not have as much stress applied to them. Eat foods high in omega fatty acid because they help keep your joints and spinal discs healthy.
  • Exercise. Low-impact exercises such as swimming, walking, and cycling help keep your spine flexible and strong. Yoga is also very good for keeping your spine flexible. If you are not used to exercise, check with your doctor before starting any new exercise regimens.
  • Avoid smoking and limit alcohol. Cigarettes contain toxins and nicotine that do not allow the discs to absorb nutrients and vitamins. Excessive alcohol consumption can mask the pain because it acts as a muscle relaxant.
In spite of your best efforts, you still may develop degenerative disc disease. Most older adults do, but many do not have the painful nerve compression that results from the disease.
Your chiropractor Rockville, MD patients recommend can develop a plan for managing your degenerative disc disease that will allow you to function with minimal pain and discomfort.