Chiropractor in Rockville, MD You’ve most likely already heard of what a chiropractor does–they help you deal with chronic pain or recover from injuries you suffered in an accident. But, how exactly do they do this? Chiropractors know how to manipulate body parts to relieve pain in affected areas of your body. There are four major categories of chiropractic treatment, which include: 1) joint manipulation and mobilization; 2) soft tissue manipulation; 3) restorative massage; 4) home care and activity modification advice; and, 4) exercise and physical rehabilitation. Read on to learn more about the types of injuries chiropractors treat.

What types of injuries do chiropractors in Rockville, MD treat?

Chiropractors help realign bones and treat conditions for the following body parts:

  • Bones
  • Nervous system
  • Tendons
  • Ligaments
  • Muscles
  • Cartilage

Injuries involving these body parts can manifest as pain in your neck, low back, shoulder, pelvis, knee, as well as your leg and hip. Chiropractors can also treat whiplash, tension headaches, and migraines which can be treated by manipulating certain body parts or massaging specific pressure points.

Whether you’ve recently been in a car accident that left you with relentless back pain or you’re suffering from persistent migraines, a chiropractor may be able to help you. They can help you improve mobility and strengthen your body after an accident. 

What are the benefits of seeing a chiropractor?

Oftentimes, seeing a chiropractor can be the difference between an affordable and relatively speedy recovery and the stress of a long recovery process resulting in incredibly costly medical bills from surgery and/or prescription pain medication. Using a chiropractor to treat your injuries is a less invasive alternative to surgery and other traditional medical procedures. Using a holistic approach to your injuries can help you recover according to your body’s needs and pace.

A chiropractor can also treat injuries that may be hidden after an accident. For instance, it can take a few days to see and feel the symptoms of whiplash after a car accident. However, if you were to see a chiropractor immediately after the accident, they can help identify and address pain before it even starts. You may also have gotten into a car accident and suffered only minor shoulder and back pain. Though you walked away from the accident with little pain, these minor injuries could easily develop into a more severe injury or lead to other conditions, such as ongoing migraines. An experienced chiropractor can help determine potential, chronic medical conditions. 

Another example of a hidden injury is inflammation. Inflammation occurs when there are micro-tears in your muscles and ligaments, and these tears are often not caught by x-rays. When your body has inflammation, you can wake up stiff and sore, which can interfere with the functioning of your daily activities. A chiropractor can help restore your range of motion so that you can do simple activities, such as brushing your teeth, without intense pain.

Find Your Chiropractor Today!

Your physical health is important. Don’t wait to find an experienced chiropractor to help get your body back to normal. Taking care of your physical health will also greatly improve your mental health. Though every human body is different, the Pain & Arthritis Relief Center takes extra care to personalize your treatment plan and ensure that we do what is best for you. Schedule a consultation with us and connect with a chiropractor in Rockville, MD today.