Sleep Apnea Management Gaithersburg, MD Sleep Apnea Management Gaithersburg, MD

A Gaithersburg, MD sleep apnea management center like the Pain Arthritis Relief Center knows that discovering you have sleep apnea can be scary. One of the most common ways a person may realize they have sleep apnea is because they wake up in the middle of the night gasping and trying to catch their breath. This can be terrifying for you and terrifying if someone else sees it. Instead of sleeping like this (or not sleeping at all), you should see how our team of chiropractors can help you with your sleep apnea. We want to help you get a better, safer night’s sleep. Below, find out more information on sleep apnea and how our team of chiropractors can help you through our sleep apnea management Gaithersburg, MD residents trust. 

What is sleep apnea?

When many people think of sleep apnea, they tend to think of older people who are hooked up on machines that breathe for them. This is partially true. Sleep apnea does not only affect older adults, though. Sleep apnea occurs when a person has trouble breathing while they are sleeping, typically because the muscles in their throat and mouth relax to the point that it causes some type of blockage. This can affect men and women at almost any age, though it is more common in men. When you suffer from sleep apnea, you may be interested to see how our Gaithersburg, Maryland sleep apnea management program utilizes chiropractic techniques to help with sleep apnea. 

Are there different types of sleep apnea?

Yes! There are two main types of sleep apnea:

  • Central- Your brain does not transmit a signal to your body to continue breathing while you sleep.
  • Obstructive- Something is obstructing your airway while you sleep. This typically happens because of your muscles relaxing. 

Determining If Your Spine is the Problem

You may be surprised to hear that your spine could be the problem with your sleep apnea. When you have abnormalities in the spine, it could mean that your nerves are not functioning the way they are supposed to. This means conversations between your brain and the rest of your body are not working. When you come to our Gaithersburg, MD sleep apnea management program, we check to see if you have any vertebral subluxations to see if there is a way we can correct this through spinal manipulation. Many of our patients see results after a few sessions. 

If you are interested in seeing how our team can help you through our sleep apnea management program in Gaithersburg, Maryland, contact the Pain Arthritis Relief Center now.